commission page wooOOooo

howdy pardner this is my very epic commissions page where very cool info is that won't fit in a single tweet (very unfortunate)
examples are on each page! ★
(with an ugly watermark cus i dont want stuff stolen lol)
• due to personal reasons, Venmo and Zelle are the only apps I can use at the moment.
• upon starting the commission, half of the price that's agreed on will need to be paid upfront, the other half when the commission is completed. additional costs will need to be paid in the same manner, half as soon as possible and the other half when the commission is finished.
• if i've started on your commission and you cancel the commission, you will not be refunded. however, if i am unable to finish your commmission, you'll be refunded.
• if you need a commission done before a certain date, please let me know (at least 2 weeks notice if possible)
like many artists, I have a list of things I feel comfortable/confident in drawing. i'm particularly comfortable with drawing in an anime style and female characters the mostWON'T DO:
-armor-heavy characters/design
-overly muscular characters

R2R L2D model commission prices

*Prices can vary depending on the complexity of the design/amount of expressions/toggles.
full-body -- $400
waist-up -- $150
character design -- $85
more than 4 expressions -- additional $30 charge
more than 2 toggles -- additonal $30 charge
additional revisions after approved sketch phase -- $10 per major revision
You'll be getting .png, .clip, and .psd files of your model.
*R2R means Ready To Rig, meaning this model will not be rigged for you, this is solely spliced art.
You will have commercial rights to use your final model for streaming/videos.
If you already have a character designed, please have some kind of reference ready, unless you've already paid for the character design service/fee.

illustration commission prices

*Prices can vary depending on the complexity of the design, background, and amount of characters in the image.
full-body -- $100
bust-up -- $45
(+$15 for each additional character)
You'll be getting a .png of the finished product.
Please have a reference of the character(s) you'd like ready when contacting me.

character design prices

*Prices can vary depending on the complexity of the design wanted and what it will be used for. You will not have permission to give away or sell the design you get.
at least $85
This includes a reference sheet for your character. You'll be getting the .png and .clip/.psd file of the reference sheet.


Prices can vary slightly depending on the complexity of the design.
at least $15 per emote